Order Management in Channel Gate with new Changes/Improvements:
One cancellation request for multiple items :
Scenario: A single cancellation request is created for multiple items in an order.
Note the following:
- Your team will need to either accept/decline the cancellation as a set, not individual items.
- There will be only 1 cancellation request to accept/decline for the whole set of items.
- Your team is unable to make a split shipment of this order.
Product Cost on Order Page:
The Product Cost is now showing at the item level on orders page
New Button for Filtering Accepted Replacements on Orders Page:
At the Order level, we have a new filter for accepted replacements.
Partially Accepting Replacements:
Regarding the partial acceptance of the replacement order, we have now removed the product title requirement for the Upper and Lower cases.
- The Only requirement now is to be 20-80 characters for the Product Title.
Credit Memo and File Upload:
New functionality to add files in both Partially Accepting and Rejecting the Credit Memos.
- File formats that are accepted are Image/Excel/PDF/Word document
- Max files that can be added is 5.
Credit Memo History and File Column:
The Credit Memo View History (Last 6 months), Now has an additional column for files, which your team can download directly
Additionally, your team can find the files by clicking on the Order ID, and the files will be located in Communication History.
Contact Management Update:
Improvements have been made for Contact management to edit/update Channel Gate contacts.
Thank You!
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