Having trouble accessing Channel Gate?
Please confirm you're using this link, as sometimes the problem is that users are using an old link:
Are you trying to access Channel Gate from outside of North America? If so, we may need to whitelist your IP address. To do this, we would need the following information - please note that we cannot whitelist private or dynamic IP addresses:
- Vendor name:
- Email address used to access Channel Gate:
- Purpose of whitelisted access:
- Please indicate the domains to which you need access:
- https://app.channelgate.io/#/auth/login
- cymax.com
- homesquare.com
- cymaxstores.com
- Static, Public IP to whitelist:
- To find this, go to https://whatismyipaddress.com/ or https://nordvpn.com/what-is-my-ip/
- Make sure you are providing a static, public IP address. Dynamic and private IP addresses will not work.
Send all the information above to support@channelgate.io and copy in your Cymax Account Manager. We'll process that within 2-3 business days. Please note that utilizing a VPN software and selecting a US connection would resolve this problem.
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