Marketing Report
Welcome to the tutorial of the updated Marketing report in your Seller Intelligence Portal of the Channel Gate Platform.
Below is a Marketing Survey Video Tutorial that will show you everything that the report has to offer.
The Seller Intelligence Marketing report provides you with both a high level and a detailed analysis of the Marketing spend on your categories and SKU’s. The report also provides you the amount of ROI of the marketing spend, all the way down to the SKU level.
On the top portion of the report, you will see various filters which include Year (In Red), Order Date (In Green), and Product Source (In Blue). The filters will enable you to easily dig into your marketing data with multiple filtering options.
For example; if you would like to view the data by year, you may click on the year toggles. If you would prefer to see a specific period of time.
please ensure you un-click the year toggle, and then select the time/date range you would like to see in the “Order Date” filter.
Next, we have included a snapshot of the high-level metrics associated with your marketing spend. Your total marketing cost is the total amount spent by Cymax and is based on the filter selected. For example, by default, you will see the spend for the year 2020. However, you may change the filter to any time/date range you like and the report will reflect the data based on that specific date/time range.
Total revenue is reported as the total product cost generated from all SKU Net Product Cost sales. The daily, weekly, and monthly marketing cost is highlighted in order to provide an average spend metric for various time frames.
Next up, we have the table that will show your marketing spend (Yellow), revenue generated (Green), Cost per acquisition (CPA) (Red), and the quantity sold by category (Blue).
You may drill down and view this data by SKU level by clicking the drill down arrows on the left-hand side of the table. Based on industry standards, a CPA below 15% is considered good and is marked in green. Any CPA above 15% is marked in yellow in order to highlight SKU's that require improvement on their Cost per Acquisition percentage.
The Trend chart on the right-hand side of the report reflects revenue & CPA. By default, you will see this from January 01, 2020.
If you would like to see a larger range of data, you may change the date or year filter. To see the same data week-over-week, click the drill-down button on the left-hand top corner of the Trend report. To go back to the month over month view, click on the drill up arrow.
Below the Trend report, we have included an Insight’s report reflecting the top categories by overall revenue. This report is split into sales from SKU’s on promotion, versus SKU sales that are not on promotion, in order to highlight the revenue and CPA for both.
Lastly, we have included a timeline of how each of your categories' sales and revenue has evolved over time, with each bubble representing a specific category. Any categories moving above the purple line show good ROI in terms of growth and spend.(Refer to the image below)
However, categories moving more horizontally show a stagnant or declining growth rate based on the marketing spend. (Refer to the image below)
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the marketing report, please contact your account manager.
Thank you.
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