The Content score for images has several different criteria that need to be met before points are allocated to your SKUs.
Firstly, does the product have any white background images?
To let the system know if a White background image has been uploaded, you'll need to ensure that the flag "Set as Primary White Background Image" has been selected.
Secondly, is the Default Image a White Background Image?
When you upload images to your product, the system takes the first image and makes that the default image automatically and in most cases that wouldn't be the White background image. So in order to assign the default image as the White Background Image, you'll need to ensure the first image says Primary.
Once these two flags have been selected for the correct image, the system will review your updates after 24 hours and allocate points if done correctly.
Tips and Tricks to Note:
- Please upload at least one image(we only support .jpg) with a white background showing the entirety of the product and should only show what’s included. Images should at least be 1000 X 1000 pixels.
- Complimenting or optional products should not be in the primary but can be in the extra images. An angled shot of the product is preferred over a frontal shot for the primary image.
- We recommend at least 5 extra images showing the different angles of the product.
- The product within the image should encompass at least 85% of the height or width. The first extra image should ideally be the product in a lifestyle setting.
- Provide good quality images to ensure image is approved for activation.
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