What's New
Product Content Score
The content score is an aggregated predictor for the competitiveness of online content. The Content Score uses data to determine the quality of the writing and optimization to what is considered to be relevant content.
Content Score total on Products list page
Content Score on Product Details Page
We have added a new tab (Content Score) on the product details page to show the rules for content score.
Products Export File
Aggregated Content Score can be export into excel (read only field).
In Stock Filter
It is an update from Available Quantity to In Stock. This will allow user to check how many products are with 0 stock and how many are more than 0.
Help Desk Pages
Channelgate Quick Tour
Channel Gate has introduced a "Platform Guide" that gives you a step-by-step Walk through experience on the features as well as a navigation tool to operate the site for first-time users.
Help Desk Links on CG Portal
List Page
With the new release, we have introduced a "Help Link" on the listing page which when clicked will provide a list of helpful links on how to operate the portal and your Catalog.
Amazon Rejections Resolution page
Walmart Active Listing Review
Link to CG Help Desk pages : https://channelgate.zendesk.com/hc/en-us
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