Navigate to Account Settings > Contact Management
Cymax Contacts
Your Cymax Account Manager's details is shown at the top of the Contact Management tab. This person is your main point of contact for all issues and inquiries.
Contact details for our team can be found on the Cymax Contacts tab. You can find a detailed list of Cymax contacts in Channel Gate by going to Account Settings > Contact Management > Cymax Contacts.
Vendor Contact Updates
You can find a detailed contact list of your team in Channel Gate by going to Account Settings > Contact Management. The Vendor Contacts tab allows you to edit or delete your team's existing contacts.
If you need to add any additional contacts, email for support. If you would like to add a new Channel Gate user, see our Release Notes from September 2024 for step-by-step instructions on user creation.
Warehouse Contacts
To update warehouse contacts, email for support. You can update warehouse operational days on the Warehouse tab - for more information see our release notes linked below:
Channel Gate Enhancements and More: Release Notes January 25, 2024
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