Dashboard Changes/Improvements:
1. Latest Release Notes section in Dashboard:
In Dashboard, your team will see our top 5 latest release notes displayed.
- Clicking on "See more" you will be redirected to our Zendesk Page which has all release notes available to view.
Product Management in Channel Gate with new Changes/Improvements:
1. Made-to-Order Column Available in Channel Gate:
Partners have the ability to let us know if your products are Made to Order.
- This attribute is available on both individual product to add and bulk product upload template excel spreadsheet.
2. New Column Field in Product Listings:
On the listing page, partners have the ability to change the product listing display and select the columns they wish to view or not view.
- Note, when you export the products from the product listing page, it will contain the full list of columns as before.
3. Inventory Last Updated is displayed on Listing Page:
The inventory's last updated timestamp is now displayed under the Available Qty field.
Muzeboard new Changes/Improvements:
1. Muzeboard Warning Confirmation Message:
Once your team has completed a Muzeboard Set and is ready to publish, a confirmation message will pop up before publishing if the brand name selected and the brand name contained in the board name do not match.
- Please confirm the message below before Publishing the Muzeboard Set.
Order Management in Channel Gate with new Changes/Improvements:
1. Prepaid Label Update in Shipped Status:
Partners are able to re-download the labels once the order has been moved to shipped status.
- This only applies if you have signed up with Prepaid labels in Channel Gate
- The prepaid label only applies to US accounts.
- If you would like to sign up with Prepaid Labels, please reach out to your Account Manager or support@channelgate.io
2. Ground and LTL orders in shipped status have Tracking Numbers:
Orders that have already been shipped have an additional field available to view the added tracking numbers along with the timestamp when the tracking numbers were added.
Clicking into View Details will display information such as:
- Order ID Number
- Quantity
- Product ID
- Cost
- Date added.
- Tracking Number
- Carrier
3. All orders have the ability to click on the image:
Item details view for order in Channel Gate now has links to the product listing page in Channel Gate of the ordered item.
- Once re-directed, your team can view details about the product such as shipping information.
- This will work for all order statuses such as Unprocessed/Unshipped/Shipped Status.
4. Viewing Past Accepted Cancelled Orders.
Accepted Cancellations can now be viewed by clicking on the relevant button on the 'Orders' Page as shown below.
- From March 24, 2023, the fields "Cancellation accepted on" and "Cancellation accepted by" fields will be populated.
Channel Gate Tips:
On the Orders Page, the item details are not appearing?
To fix details not appearing, please go into your browser and delete cookies and cache. Once this has been completed, the details should appear.
If you have any questions, please reach out to support@channelgate.io
Thank you.
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